Outdoor parking rates

Outdoor parking rates

Outdoor parking rates

Time Price
0-10 mins (Free) $   –
11-20 mins $2.00
20-40 mins $3.00
41-60 mins $4.00
1 – 1.5 hrs $5.00
1.5 – 2 hrs $6.00
2 – 3 hrs $8.50
3 – 4 hrs $13.00
4 – 5 hrs $16.00
5 – 6 hrs $19.50
6 – 7 hrs $22.00
7 hrs – 1 day $30.50
Two days $61.00
Three days $90.00
Four days $119.00
Five days $137.00
Six Days $149.00
Seven days $159.00
Eight days $165.00
Nine days$175.00
Ten days$185.00
Each additional day+$5.00 per day
Up to Six weeks $260.00

Rates correct of 1 August 2024

View our parking maps here