


Canberra Airport has prepared a preliminary draft Major Development Plan (pdMDP) for a multistorey commercial office building located at 19 and 21 Scherger Drive, Fairbairn Precinct Canberra Airport.

Public consultation

Commences:      Monday, 2 September 2024

Closes:                5pm, Monday, 25 November 2024

Copies of the pdMDP are available for inspection or purchase during normal office hours throughout the consultation period from the Capital Airport Group Office (address below) or free, by downloading via the below links:

Written comments are welcome and must be received by 5pm on Monday, 25 November 2024 to:

Andrew Connor

Level 4, 21 Terminal Avenue | Plaza Offices West


Telephone: 02 6275 2222


Airspace development and crane approvals

The protection of the airspace 15kms around Canberra Airport is essential to ensure that we maintain a safe operating environment for aircraft and to provide future growth for the airport. The airspace around Canberra Airport is protected under the Commonwealth Airports Act 1996 an the Airports (Protection of Airspace) Regulations 1996. For more information, click here.

To apply, please download and complete the Obstacle Application Form.

To submit the application or if you require further assistance, please contact or phone 02 6275 2222.

Major Development Plan for 3 Wellington, Majura Park, Canberra Airport - Approved

On 18 December 2023 the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government approved the Major Development Plan for 3 Wellington Place, Majura Park Canberra Airport under section 94(7) of the Airports Act 1996.

The Final Major Development Place at 3 Wellington Place, Majura Park, Canberra Airport is available for public viewing for a period of 180 days from Thursday 18th January 2024 at Canberra Airport Offices situated at Level 4, 21 Terminal Avenue, Plaza Offices – West, Canberra Airport ACT 2609.  

Alternatively, a soft copy of the Final Major Development Plan can be viewed and downloaded here: 3 Wellington Place Major Development Plan

If you require translation or interpretation for this document or an accessible audio file please contact Canberra Airport on the details below.

Phone: (02) 6275 2222

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act)

Following an application by Canberra Airport to vary conditions of Approvals EPBC 2008/4170 and EPBC 2009/4748, the Department of the Environment and Energy approved the varied conditions on 3 June 2019.  The Department also approved on 3 June 2019 a revised Taxiway Bravo Biodiversity Offset Strategy (EPBC 2008/4170); May 2019.

Copies of the approved EPBC 2008/4170, EPBC 2009/4748 and Taxiway Bravo Biodiversity Offset Strategy (EPBC 2008/4170); May 2019 are available to members of the public and can be downloaded below.

EPBC 2008/4170 -Taxiway Bravo Extension - Approved Revision 3 June 2019

Taxiway Bravo Extension Project - Composite Final Project Report and Compliance Report No 1

Taxiway Bravo Extension Project - Annual Compliance Report No 2 - August 2021

Taxiway Bravo Extension Project - Annual Compliance Report No 3 - August 2022

Taxiway Bravo Extension Project – Annual Compliance Report No 4 – August 2023

Taxiway Bravo Biodiversity Offset Strategy – Approved Revision 11 March 2022

Construction Environmental Management Plan

Threatened Species Management Plan

Northern Road – EPBC 2009/4748 – Approval of Variation of conditions (May 2020)

Northern Road – EPBC 2009/4748 - Construction and Operations Strategy (May 2020)

Northern Road – EPBC 2009/4748 – Construction Environmental Management Plan (Approved June 2022)

Building applications

Below are the current building applications submitted by Canberra Airport to the Canberra Airport Building Controller in compliance with Airports (Building Control) Amendment Regulations 2010 (No.1).

If you have any inquiries about any building applications listed below, please contact

Building Activity Number       




Approval Type

Green Waste Area set up

Application Date

23 August

Approval Date


Building Activity Number       




Approval Type

Tenant Fit-out Works

Application Date

1 August 2024

Approval Date

6 August 2024

Building Activity Number              




Approval Type

Tenant Fit-out Works

Application Date

19 July 2024

Approval Date

26 August 2024                                         

Building Activity Number




Approval Type

Tenant Fit-out Works

Application Date

13 February 2024

Approval Date

26 August 2024

Building Activity Number




Approval Type

Tenant Fit-out Works

Application Date

11 December 2023

Approval Date